Hi Grandma Lucia and Dad,
I know you're reading this right now. It was nice to talk to you on Skype :)
Love you!!
February 27, 2010
February 24, 2010
White Belt
Haha :) I was just thinking about this and thought I'd write it down...
I'm so proud to be a taekwando student (as you can probably tell from what I've written). So when I go home from class, I wear my uniform. There's no place to change, so I have to wear it home. Anyways, so when I'm on the bus or walking from the subway, I walk tall and confident.
I tuck my belt into my coat so that other people don't know I'm a white belt :) Haha :) Maybe they think I'm a black belt...There's a butcher shop on the way back, and one day while walking to the apartment, one of the butchers stopped what he was doing and did three punches saying "Tae!" "Kwan!" "Do!" It made me proud to be part of something that's so famous in Korea.
I'm so proud to be a taekwando student (as you can probably tell from what I've written). So when I go home from class, I wear my uniform. There's no place to change, so I have to wear it home. Anyways, so when I'm on the bus or walking from the subway, I walk tall and confident.
I tuck my belt into my coat so that other people don't know I'm a white belt :) Haha :) Maybe they think I'm a black belt...There's a butcher shop on the way back, and one day while walking to the apartment, one of the butchers stopped what he was doing and did three punches saying "Tae!" "Kwan!" "Do!" It made me proud to be part of something that's so famous in Korea.
February Suraksan Hike
It was my first hike of the year, and it was going to be a fun hike with a fun guy. Nathan seemed to have a lot in common with me yet still different enough to have lots to talk about. It was so nice to have such long conversations with someone who's American. I've been blessed to have so many people visiting and meeting other people who speak English. I felt like my English battery had run out by the end of last year, and now it's full and overflowing ready for the new year.
I should have realized I was going to be out of shape for the hike we were about to undertake. It was rough!! I hadn't used my hiking muscles in almost 4 months. Thankfully starting taekwando started loosening my muscles up. So we hiked from the south-east corner of the mountain, and hiked up and across the top, then down to the south-west corner. The mountain's a "U" shape, and that was the first time I've conquered it all in one day. I've done half of each side many times, but never it all. It was quite the task, but it was a good one. Getting to the first "top" wasn't too hard, and the view was amazing. The mountain was covered in snow in many parts still, and seeing it was breathtaking. Haha. Little did we realize that we'd be hiking in that minutes later. We had a few short rock faces covered in ice and snow that we had to get down, and thankfully we were two people together instead of being alone. I'd have never been able to do it by myself. I fell a few times so close to the edge. But once we got back up to the normal trails, we'd shimmy down those rock faces with the ropes and steel cables they put up for hikers like us who like to "mountain climb" literally. My hands are so sore from rope and cable burns! But it was well worth it. The mountain is beautiful, and climbing it gives me such a release from stress. Not that I'm stressed now, but it's just comforting to be in a place that's so beautiful. Plus, the adrenaline rush from being so high supported only by how tightly you hold onto ropes is thrilling!! Not something I could do every day, but a fun weekend escape.
Lessons I've Learned
I've learned a lot about exercise in the last however many days...
1. I'm in decent shape (it could definitely be better, but not bad), so working out those first few days was no problem.
2. Day 3, the pain starts...
3. Stretching AFTER is sooooo important.
4. The opposite of warming up is warming down (I made a guess at this one, and checking later, found out I was right!! Good guess ^^).
Tonight at taekwando class was awesome! I got there a little early, and there were only a few guys sitting around kicking each other and playing cards. They taught me a game they were playing like jacks only with little circles that looked like dice. I felt bad they had to "entertain" me until the class started, but it was fun to try to talk to them a bit. They were fun to hang out with too! They were about my age. Then Chris came in and things went a little smoother. The class warmed up together, and then we went through basic moves. We did the kicks and punches all together. Then I learned one new move--a jump kick!! Fun!! After that, I had to sit out because the other people were a higher level than I am. It was nice to sit out for a bit after rehearsing all I'd learned.
There were 2 little kids who were one belt above me, so we sat together. The girl was 11, and her brother was 7. They were soooo cute!! And they speak English pretty good. They were practicing with me and we talked about lots of fun things that kids like to talk about. It reminded me of teaching at Avalon. Sometimes I miss being around kids. Maybe this can be my outlet for that. After a while, the grand master took me aside while Master Yu (who I found out is 30, but he looks 20) taught the rest of them--there were probably 15 students! I got taught some different walking stances that I'll use later with different punches. And Friday I get to learn some arm motions to go with the walk. Kind of low-key today and Friday, but I'm really, really thankful for that!! After class was over, I met a really nice girl who's my age and in University. She's so kind, and would be a great friend. Unfortunately, she goes back to University (outside of Seoul) on Saturday. Bummer!! I'll be the only girl in the class now, besides the younger girl. Oh well. Then I met Jay. I think his Korean name is Ji Su. He was so tall, and looked almost American by how he was built. We talked, and he's 26 and studies International Commerce. Cool!! And his English was SOOOO good!! Hopefully we can be friends.
This class might be a good chance to meet people. I'm getting more and more excited about it.
1. I'm in decent shape (it could definitely be better, but not bad), so working out those first few days was no problem.
2. Day 3, the pain starts...
3. Stretching AFTER is sooooo important.
4. The opposite of warming up is warming down (I made a guess at this one, and checking later, found out I was right!! Good guess ^^).
Tonight at taekwando class was awesome! I got there a little early, and there were only a few guys sitting around kicking each other and playing cards. They taught me a game they were playing like jacks only with little circles that looked like dice. I felt bad they had to "entertain" me until the class started, but it was fun to try to talk to them a bit. They were fun to hang out with too! They were about my age. Then Chris came in and things went a little smoother. The class warmed up together, and then we went through basic moves. We did the kicks and punches all together. Then I learned one new move--a jump kick!! Fun!! After that, I had to sit out because the other people were a higher level than I am. It was nice to sit out for a bit after rehearsing all I'd learned.
There were 2 little kids who were one belt above me, so we sat together. The girl was 11, and her brother was 7. They were soooo cute!! And they speak English pretty good. They were practicing with me and we talked about lots of fun things that kids like to talk about. It reminded me of teaching at Avalon. Sometimes I miss being around kids. Maybe this can be my outlet for that. After a while, the grand master took me aside while Master Yu (who I found out is 30, but he looks 20) taught the rest of them--there were probably 15 students! I got taught some different walking stances that I'll use later with different punches. And Friday I get to learn some arm motions to go with the walk. Kind of low-key today and Friday, but I'm really, really thankful for that!! After class was over, I met a really nice girl who's my age and in University. She's so kind, and would be a great friend. Unfortunately, she goes back to University (outside of Seoul) on Saturday. Bummer!! I'll be the only girl in the class now, besides the younger girl. Oh well. Then I met Jay. I think his Korean name is Ji Su. He was so tall, and looked almost American by how he was built. We talked, and he's 26 and studies International Commerce. Cool!! And his English was SOOOO good!! Hopefully we can be friends.
This class might be a good chance to meet people. I'm getting more and more excited about it.
February 23, 2010
As of yesterday, I've begun taekwando training from a "Grand Master". He is very kind and a little older, so I feel like he has much experience--although he told us today that we were the first people who he's taught in 10 years or so. I felt a little sorry, but he thanked us for helping him get back into it. He does more office work now. But he's still definitely beyond black belt!
So, who is "we"? Chris is a guy from KBU who's offered to help teach/translate for me. He's also a black belt (1st level black belt), so he's been able to give good advice and really help me out. I feel that in 2 days, I've learned more than I would have in 2 weeks if I'd have been in a normal class. But with 2 teachers and only me as a student, it's a nice benefit!! Once the school year starts, I'll be taking classes with another person though at a later time. Master Yu. He's about my age, but he's apparently one of the best spar people Chris has ever seen. And he's also a high level black belt, like the grand master.
What have I learned in 2 days? I've learned the horseback-riding position, punches that go along with that, high kick, front kick, roundhouse kick, and balance (still learning that one). I've learned that I'm many levels lower than some really, really young kids. I sat in on one of their lessons today for a few minutes, and I can't believe how good they are!! Pretty amazing :)
February 5, 2010
In Korea, I first noticed people wearing fur this late fall. But it didn't hit me how much of an issue it really was. In America, very few, if any, people wear real fur anymore since the Animal Rights groups have taken to the media. Every once in a while you'll see an older person wearing fur, but it's mostly for a status symbol. Showing wealth.
In Korea, it started out being older people who I'd see wearing fur, so I didn't take notice. But by early winter, I could hardly look around in the subway without seeing over 50% of the people wearing some sort of fur either along the hoods of their coats or the lining of their jackets. It DOES look warm, but at what cost? I went to the store to check it out. Ranging from $40-$600 I saw fur coats of all kinds. But the one question I kept thinking was, "Where are they getting all this fur?" It's everywhere!! Yet when you look around, there's absolutely no wildlife in Korea. I've had students stop and point when they see a squirrel telling me it's a "wild animal". Of course, there are lots of birds, but no actual mammals from which to get this fur. Hmm...
I don't really care if people do or don't wear fur. Maybe I should, but I don't think that my bothering about the issue will make people change. Especially in Korea. It's just one of those things you look at, question, and then accept as reality. Kind of like older women pushing you out of the way to get onto the subway first--even when it's empty. Or smelling the "pleasant" odor of kimchi everywhere you go. I actually don't mind those things. I've accepted them as what they are, and things that just won't change. So there's no bother fighting over it.
So I bring all this up because yesterday I had my first run-on with someone questioning my not wearing fur (since it's all the rage!). I admit, my coat isn't very warm, and it is the dead of winter. But I'm not cold as long as I wear the right clothes under it. No problem. I don't really mind--I'm from Minnesota!! I had someone (I won't mention who) come up to me, take hold of my jacket sleeve, and tell me, "You look so cold!! You're not even wearing fur!" As if wearing fur was the only sane way to keep warm :) I didn't take the time to explain that if I was caught wearing fur in the States, I'd be pretty much exiled. But now that I've had time to think things over, maybe getting a fur coat wouldn't be so bad. Not an all-fur one, but one with a fur lining on the inside. No one would even see!!
In Korea, it started out being older people who I'd see wearing fur, so I didn't take notice. But by early winter, I could hardly look around in the subway without seeing over 50% of the people wearing some sort of fur either along the hoods of their coats or the lining of their jackets. It DOES look warm, but at what cost? I went to the store to check it out. Ranging from $40-$600 I saw fur coats of all kinds. But the one question I kept thinking was, "Where are they getting all this fur?" It's everywhere!! Yet when you look around, there's absolutely no wildlife in Korea. I've had students stop and point when they see a squirrel telling me it's a "wild animal". Of course, there are lots of birds, but no actual mammals from which to get this fur. Hmm...
I don't really care if people do or don't wear fur. Maybe I should, but I don't think that my bothering about the issue will make people change. Especially in Korea. It's just one of those things you look at, question, and then accept as reality. Kind of like older women pushing you out of the way to get onto the subway first--even when it's empty. Or smelling the "pleasant" odor of kimchi everywhere you go. I actually don't mind those things. I've accepted them as what they are, and things that just won't change. So there's no bother fighting over it.
So I bring all this up because yesterday I had my first run-on with someone questioning my not wearing fur (since it's all the rage!). I admit, my coat isn't very warm, and it is the dead of winter. But I'm not cold as long as I wear the right clothes under it. No problem. I don't really mind--I'm from Minnesota!! I had someone (I won't mention who) come up to me, take hold of my jacket sleeve, and tell me, "You look so cold!! You're not even wearing fur!" As if wearing fur was the only sane way to keep warm :) I didn't take the time to explain that if I was caught wearing fur in the States, I'd be pretty much exiled. But now that I've had time to think things over, maybe getting a fur coat wouldn't be so bad. Not an all-fur one, but one with a fur lining on the inside. No one would even see!!
February 4, 2010
100th Post
Wow, my 100th post!! :)
Today was really great. Even though it was a little slow, a lot happened. 1st, I got to go textbook shopping with KBU's credit card! Yay!! I needed new textbooks for planning a beginner-level course and syllabus. Now that that's done, I can start preparing. When Sujin and I were at the bookstore, she got me a hot chocolate which I must say was the best hot chocolate I've ever had in my entire life!! I don't know what was in it, but it was delicious.
After the bookstore, I had lunch with one of the school professors and pastors. He and his wife were very understanding and encouraging with my situation. I am starting to hate saying things about "the situation" to people, but when they are in positions to help, I can't avoid asking for it. But we talked about a lot of things, one being that he wants to study with his son at Jerusalem University College!! Wow!! I went there :) It was so neat having something in common to talk about. Small world.
Twice I've been "invited" on official college outings. Once was right after this discussion. Apparently a few professors take a trip to the Holy Lands once every 2 years, and this happens to be one of those years. I said what an exciting opportunity that would be, and he said that if things came through that I could come along! I probably wouldn't be technically invited because I'm not a Bible professor or speak Korean, but the invite was so kind and generous! Also, last week I was out with another professor who said he was going with a few professors to the border of North Korea and China to hike up Baekdu Mountain! I was so excited for him because I've heard so much about that mountain. On the top is a lake that has a superstition around it. Supposedly a water creature similar to Loch Ness lives there!! He said that I could come if I had the time! Wow!! Who knows if any of this will happen, but just to be invited to things is such an encouragement to me. It's hard to get involved in other professors' lives, but now that I'm getting to know them more, it's been a really enriching time. I feel like I'm starting to become part of a community with them.
Going back to my room after lunch was boring, but a student popped in quickly to remind me of our meeting tomorrow. I and 2 students who went to DC are meeting to talk about their time. I'm really excited to hear about their thoughts and impressions, but a little nervous as I've heard some of them didn't have quite the time they thought they would have. But oh well, we'll see. Anyways, the student came in with a present for me! It was a little keychain thing (I put it on my phone) that had a metal picture of New York and my name on the bottom. It was so sweet that he'd thought of me while he was there, and it made me happy to see him again. I can't wait for our time together tomorrow!!!!
Today was really great. Even though it was a little slow, a lot happened. 1st, I got to go textbook shopping with KBU's credit card! Yay!! I needed new textbooks for planning a beginner-level course and syllabus. Now that that's done, I can start preparing. When Sujin and I were at the bookstore, she got me a hot chocolate which I must say was the best hot chocolate I've ever had in my entire life!! I don't know what was in it, but it was delicious.
After the bookstore, I had lunch with one of the school professors and pastors. He and his wife were very understanding and encouraging with my situation. I am starting to hate saying things about "the situation" to people, but when they are in positions to help, I can't avoid asking for it. But we talked about a lot of things, one being that he wants to study with his son at Jerusalem University College!! Wow!! I went there :) It was so neat having something in common to talk about. Small world.
Twice I've been "invited" on official college outings. Once was right after this discussion. Apparently a few professors take a trip to the Holy Lands once every 2 years, and this happens to be one of those years. I said what an exciting opportunity that would be, and he said that if things came through that I could come along! I probably wouldn't be technically invited because I'm not a Bible professor or speak Korean, but the invite was so kind and generous! Also, last week I was out with another professor who said he was going with a few professors to the border of North Korea and China to hike up Baekdu Mountain! I was so excited for him because I've heard so much about that mountain. On the top is a lake that has a superstition around it. Supposedly a water creature similar to Loch Ness lives there!! He said that I could come if I had the time! Wow!! Who knows if any of this will happen, but just to be invited to things is such an encouragement to me. It's hard to get involved in other professors' lives, but now that I'm getting to know them more, it's been a really enriching time. I feel like I'm starting to become part of a community with them.
Going back to my room after lunch was boring, but a student popped in quickly to remind me of our meeting tomorrow. I and 2 students who went to DC are meeting to talk about their time. I'm really excited to hear about their thoughts and impressions, but a little nervous as I've heard some of them didn't have quite the time they thought they would have. But oh well, we'll see. Anyways, the student came in with a present for me! It was a little keychain thing (I put it on my phone) that had a metal picture of New York and my name on the bottom. It was so sweet that he'd thought of me while he was there, and it made me happy to see him again. I can't wait for our time together tomorrow!!!!
February 2, 2010
I got to talk with so many people today!! I love talking ^^
I was pretty alone until I heard some talking in the end of the hallway. So I went down to check things out, and it was my friends from the administration office!! A couple of the guys had come over to get coffee from the vending machine and were just hanging out. Nice! So we talked for a long time and they came over to my office to draw on the board to get across their thoughts in English. Cute. They ended up having to leave early, but wanted to know if I was free to talk again tomorrow. Of course! I don't do anything during my days anyways besides try to think up curriculum for an unknown English level...so basically since that's impossible, I do a lot of thinking, reading, and goofing around on the computer.
After the guys left, a students popped in. He was never my student, but I know he was pretty close to Brian before he left. So I was never quite sure how to address him or get to know him, but this is as good of a time as any. So we ended up talking for about an hour about our values as Christians, life at KBU, hobbies, and language. It was amazing, and since he lived in America for 12 years, his English is about perfect. We exchanged numbers, and tonight at home I got a really surprising phone call...
Chris (the student) called me tonight asking if I wanted to take up taekwando lessons with him!! He's going for his 3rd black belt...and I'd be starting from scratch, but he said that he needs to brush up on his skills since he hasn't had lessons in a long time. Wow!! And the lesson place is really close and giving us a discount for being 2 people. Again, wow!! I can't believe that Chris would be willing to take lessons with me and help me learn in English!! I hope that we can become friends through this. Since I hurt my knees pretty badly, I'm just going to introduce myself to the instructors tonight, and take another week off (from going to Thailand) and then jump in with Chris in 2 weeks. Yay!!!!!!
I was pretty alone until I heard some talking in the end of the hallway. So I went down to check things out, and it was my friends from the administration office!! A couple of the guys had come over to get coffee from the vending machine and were just hanging out. Nice! So we talked for a long time and they came over to my office to draw on the board to get across their thoughts in English. Cute. They ended up having to leave early, but wanted to know if I was free to talk again tomorrow. Of course! I don't do anything during my days anyways besides try to think up curriculum for an unknown English level...so basically since that's impossible, I do a lot of thinking, reading, and goofing around on the computer.
After the guys left, a students popped in. He was never my student, but I know he was pretty close to Brian before he left. So I was never quite sure how to address him or get to know him, but this is as good of a time as any. So we ended up talking for about an hour about our values as Christians, life at KBU, hobbies, and language. It was amazing, and since he lived in America for 12 years, his English is about perfect. We exchanged numbers, and tonight at home I got a really surprising phone call...
Chris (the student) called me tonight asking if I wanted to take up taekwando lessons with him!! He's going for his 3rd black belt...and I'd be starting from scratch, but he said that he needs to brush up on his skills since he hasn't had lessons in a long time. Wow!! And the lesson place is really close and giving us a discount for being 2 people. Again, wow!! I can't believe that Chris would be willing to take lessons with me and help me learn in English!! I hope that we can become friends through this. Since I hurt my knees pretty badly, I'm just going to introduce myself to the instructors tonight, and take another week off (from going to Thailand) and then jump in with Chris in 2 weeks. Yay!!!!!!
February 1, 2010
Last Day of Japan--Nara
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