July 28, 2009


As many of you may know, I love making lists. But sometimes lists are not just fun, they're necessary!!

It seems these last few weeks have been filled with notes scribbled on paper and put into orders of importance. Well, it's starting to pay off!

So far I have almost everything I need for living in Korea for a year. I made a list, checked it twice, and went shopping! All I need are a few more shirts and I'll be set to go. It's great--almost everything fits into 1 big check-in and 1 big carry-on.

Today I went to the post office and sent in everything I need for the visa. So far so good...Now all I need to do is wait. And wait. Ah! I'm impatient and it's only been a few hours...It's only supposed to take a week to get back to me though :)

My latest list has been checking to see that I can fill out the application form for graduate school. I'm hoping to apply for Hamline University before leaving for Korea. When there, I'll take a few classes towards my Masters in Teaching. I have 7 years to complete it, so even if I spend a few years overseas, the degree will wait for me :) I like that! It looks like I have most things for the application except for a few references and the essay (it's 1/2 done...).

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