The last "mountain" experience I now realize was not really a mountain... :) This was truly mountain climbing. Last year I had a tremendous experience with a Korean couple literally scaling the walls of a rock face with me in tow. This wasn't quite that dramatic, but hanging onto ropes in order to keep from losing footing was definitely enough to get my adrenaline going!
This last Saturday was when I went to Suraksan with Ian (my friend from the U). I'm so thankful to have someone to enjoy these experiences with. He said that he hikes almost every weekend and invited me to join him whenever I wanted to come, so that'll definitely be up on one of my top things to do!!
This first time climbing in a year was definitely rough on my body, but I'm sure that'll get better through time...

Ian and I at the top

Chamchari (잠자리) Dragonfly
Oh~I found out that the Korean word for a buzzing insect that I'm not quite sure the English word for is--Meimi--which is what I used to call myself when I was a baby. And "bug" is what my parents used to call me (well, sometimes still call me :) ).

We climbed from the sign Surak Station (4.1km) up to the top (.9km) and then back down to the sign (.9km) and then to Jangam Station (2.8km). Which if you add it all up is around 8.5km which is 5.2 miles!! I can't believe that we hiked that much. No wonder we were so sore and tired...

At the bottom, we took our shoes and socks off, and soaked them in the chilled mountain water. It was sooo cold!! But it felt sooo good!!

It was worth it
Amy, you look very good on the top of the mountain! I like hiking too. But we only have small mountains here. So the trail is very short(the longest is about 3.5 miles). Steven and I always go hiking on weekends. We both miss you!