This week we got our Registration Cards, so we're legal now. That, and Jamie took me to get a cell phone! Yay! Thank you, thank you, Jamie! I'm happy to be able to feel a little safer and comfortable now. I was a little nervous before about being alone and having no way of contacting people/school if something happened or I was sick for work or something. Plus, now I can talk/text with people...
I started the Online Master's class last week, and it's going to be a tough one-Linguistics. I'm enjoying the class, but it seems like there's just not enough time in the day to do everything. My students have been staying after class to talk, and I can't say no. I love spending time with them and talking. They are my joy! I've been blessed to get to know some of them better and allow them to share some of their joys and struggles. I told one of the students today that I thought of her as my friend. We're the same age, have similar hobbies, and enjoy talking together. She was so happy that I said that and said I was her first foreign friend.
One student, Jamie, and I played ping-pong after work yesterday. And today, Jamie and I played soccer and football with a few children in the soccer yard at school! I'm so happy to have opportunities to do these fun things. Also, I found a piano room, so I've been really encouraged by being able to use that!!
My students and I have been talking a lot about the differences between Korean and American friendship barriers. Their essay for this week is to choose anyone in the world to be their friend and explain. I immediately think of singers, actors, and other famous people. But many of them have been having a hard time choosing someone because they don't want to be rude to that person, making them hang out together...Wow, I never thought about that...Anyways, it's been fun learning more about their thoughts and after teaching about superstitions this week, I was really happy to hear some more about their superstitions and traditions. But I'll save that for another post.
I'm going hiking with a few students tomorrow. Should be fun!!
Great to hear you were having fun playing ping pong and soccer Amy! Sounds like the week has been a good one. We miss you...Dad