I met Ian's mom and dad, and had a really great conversation with them! It was really nice to be invited into a Korean home. His mom was really easy to talk to, and has such a passion for serving and pleasing God. It was a humbling experience to meet her, and yet such a blessing to be encouraged to continue pursuing God and His good pleasure. She was very giving, and I came home with probably 10 pounds worth of food and clothes more than I came with: things like toothpaste, a scarf, kimchi, and ramyon. Ian and I went on a night hike around the base of Suraksan, and it was so fun! We had no flashlights, but used the moon to guide us on the trail. I was so surprised to see people still hiking along with us!!
I was introduced to a new Korean food: Kimchi Mariguksu 김치말이국수. It's basically thin, long noodles in a kimchi flavored chilled water soup. It's the most delicious noodle dish I've ever eaten in my life!! Yum, Yum...

The first president was an old man who won the lottery and had a hilarious personality. The second president was a young man who had previously known the 1st president's daughter. He had a rare blood type, and while in office gave an old man his kidney. He started big changes in Korea, standing up to the American bully of a president as portrayed. The 3rd president was a woman whose husband had a hard time relating to her as president. The connection between all 3 presidents was that when they had a problem, they consulted the chef who had a simple and unbiased mind. I really enjoyed the movie, and hope to see more Korean movies in the future.
I was surprised how much I understood, and what I didn't know, Jamie was helpful in quietly explaining.
Hi Amy, I am glad that you updated your blog again! The food above looks very tasty! By the way, do you have Internet now? I would like to talk to you on skype.