December 11, 2009

Deck the Halls

I know it's a rather Christmas title and my post has little to do with it, but I was just reminiscing over this last week and remembering how silent these school hallways have been. This week was Finals week, and all the students have been anxiously studying for their final exams. I found students sleeping in the library, computer lab, and prayer rooms. I saw piles and piles of books in the weary arms of studying students.

But the one thing I didn't hear were voices. I've been working in my classroom preparing for winter classes and finishing up a final test of my own for Hamline's grad program, but usually I hear voices echoing down the hall from the English Zone foyer. But the halls have been silent this week.

Until today!

Today is Friday, and I think most students have finished their finals. The halls have been decked with laughter and singing! It brings such a joy to my heart to hear their happy voices. Even though they are speaking Korean (despite being in the "English Zone"), I'm so glad to hear them. It makes me happy to hear them being happy.

Joy is contagious!


  1. Amy,
    It puts JOY in my heart to know you are happy this Christmas Season.

  2. Love reading your blog, thanks for keeping us updated. Glad you've got such loving people to surround you. God is good. Love & miss you
