January 21, 2010


I feel like there's been a steady stream of friends coming and going these last few weeks. It's been so nice to have people to hang out with and talk to on a regular basis. So dad was here in October, Liz Charpie came in December to teach English for a year, Vanessa and Nina are here now to visit for 2 weeks, and Sam from All Nations was here for almost a month. Wow!!

I'm happy that everyone could come over my holiday time too. It gives me a little more flexibility in being able to meet with everyone. Oh, and my mom and I are going to Thailand together in February!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!! I'm really excited, but I know I need to focus on one thing at a time.

In between now and then, I'm going to Busan, Korea with Nina and Vanessa (tomorrow morning we're taking the train down there--5+ hours), meeting with different people, planning a curriculum and syllabus, and lesson planning...Lots to do.

One friend who I was REALLY excited to see yesterday was Juny. We went hiking together this last summer, and we've hung out at school a lot. Anyways, he was here for Freshmen orientation. He must be helping out with that or something...It reminded me of how much I miss teaching and miss my other students. I'm really excited for the new semester to start. Today on the walk home, right as I was walking out of the KBU parking lot, a student bowed to me :) Kind of nice. 80% of the time I have no idea who the students are. I just smile and dip my head back. It's been great though towards the end of last semester. I'd see students who I recognized from the lunch room or from walking around campus or from the other teachers' classes. Its nice to feel like you belong somewhere. And I feel like I belong with the students. Not as a student, but alongside them helping encourage them.

Ok, I also have to include a picture of my hamsters on this post. They've been so cute lately, and I can't help but take pictures of them. It's been really cold here, so I cut up a blanket and laid it in their cages. One of the hamsters took to it really quickly and loves snuggling under it at all times during the day and night. The other hamster has a favorite place tight in a ball in a part of the cage...Kiyopta! Cute :)

Look at her little paws all together :)


  1. Those pics look a bit like you and Holly when you were little Amy! Love ya!

  2. Hey Amy! I am so glad that so many friends are visiting/had visited you! And I am envy that you could go to Thailand! I have never been there so please take TONS of pictures to share with me!
