August 18, 2009

Safe Arrival

Hello everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I got to Korea safely last night. Yay! The adventure is about to begin. I can already tell that this year will be much different from last year. Not a good or bad difference, just a completely new experience. And I'm really excited about it!

The view is WAY better than last year from my apartment! I can see the road and the shops around the place. Also, over one of the apartments across the road, Bukhansan mountain is visible!! I'm so happy to be here and to begin meeting people.

Now I'm off to explore the area...and get a few things for the apartment :)


  1. Amy, I'm happy for you! I'll keep praying for you and your time in Korea. We've been missing you ~

  2. Nice to talk to you on Skype today. Hope you can get the apartment door lock to work. Praying for you!!!
    Love ya, mom

  3. Good to know that you are safe and sound. Have a good sleep and begin your new life! Looking forward to pics of your apartment and around!

