March 19, 2010

1 Month

I can hardly believe that it's been about a month since I joined taekwondo! It's been really great getting to know the instructors and other students. I've learned a ton, and am ready to "level-up" as my Korean students would say...

So, Saturday's the big day! The taekwondo class has a big test day with taekwondo performances set to music, belt tests, and "get-to-know-you" time with the parents. I'm really excited to take the test and hopefully earn a yellow belt. I can do all the moves with demonstration by the teacher, but I haven't picked up quite yet on which words go with which moves. And...the test on Saturday is testing the words with the moves. No demonstrations allowed!!

Last night in class, I asked the instructor to please write down all the words I'd need to recognize, and he gave them to me. I was/am sooo thankful!! There are 2 kicks, one punch, and 3 blocks that I need to know along with one "taeguk jang" which is a specific order of moves, kicks, punches, and blocks.

Pray for me!! I'm sure that no matter what, it'll be a fun time, but I'm also really hoping for a yellow belt after a month of intense practice. Practicing every night for 1-2 hours will pay off I hope...

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