March 20, 2010

Test Day

Well, the day started at 2pm where I arrived at the taekwondo center filled to the max with kids and parents. I'm surprised we had enough room to make in the middle for the groups of students who went one at a time. 3:30 rolled around and I still hadn't gotten up to do the test. 3:45, the black belt boys from high school stood up and said, "Fighting!!" to me and motioning to get ready.

The first move was simple...put your foot back and get in the ready stance. I was so nervous from waiting so long that I did it wrong and the instructor had to give me a "look" to change my position. Ahh!! What a way to start off. The boy next to me whispered, "I'm nervous" and it made me calm down. How could I be nervous? I had to be strong for this guy! So I took a deep breath, told him "Fighting" and off we went into our poomse il jang. There were 20 moves we had to do in a row without stopping and without flaw. At the end, I held my breath and waited for the words to turn around. I did it!! I finished without a problem!! The hours of study and practice paid off.

I'm now a yellow belt in taekwondo!!!


  1. CONGRATS.. we're so proud of you. Keep up the good work.

  2. WOO HOO!!!!! Congratulations Amy...that's an outstanding accomplishment! Love ya...Dad

  3. Wow! Congratulations! Do you have the vedio for that?

  4. No video :( Maybe I can video myself in my room doing the same thing! Haha :)

  5. Wow, congratulation's on the big accomplishment; now your one of the expert's & have your very own belt to prove it. I'm proud of you.
    Love, Grandma
