April 1, 2010

A Rat!!

Sunday last week, I went to a new church in Ansan (1 1/2 hours south of here), and for being a newcomer got a rose. Well, 2 because my friend didn't want his. So after church, I went to meet Liz at Seoul Station, and got to give her a rose! It was fun walking around together and trying to find a place to eat. We finally decided on a cute, little Korean restaurant.

It had the tables where you sit on the floor and the tables are really low. We were in the middle of dinner when all of a sudden, I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye and back around Liz...then it moved to the other side, and it was a rat!!! I couldn't believe it!! I'm not normally afraid of rodents as I've had hamsters and rats as pets before no problem. But never in a restaurant! We kind of laughed it off and then quickly left.

But not before I was reminded by Liz to write "this" in my blog:

Last month or 2 months ago, Liz and I were at dinner when I cracked my knuckles. Probably more out of habit, I wasn't nervous or nothing. When she asked what I was doing, I said, "Cracking my nuggets." I don't know what was on my mind...maybe chicken...


  1. I don't think my last comment got posted. But I'll do it again.
    Enjoy your dinner's but don't share them with any of those RATZIE"S...Love, Grandma

  2. I did that last one when I fell on the fence one time...
